<p><em>Fragmentology</em> is an international, peer-reviewed Open Access journal, dedicated to publishing scholarly articles and reviews concerning medieval manuscript fragments. Fragmentology welcomes submissions, both articles and research notes, on any aspect pertaining to Latin and Greek manuscript fragments in the Middle Ages.</p>Université de Fribourgen-USFragmentology2624-9340A Fragment from a Twelfth-Century Notated Breviary in the University of North Texas Music Library
<p>Denton, University of North Texas Music Library, Music Library Chant Fragment Collection # 06-167 is a single parchment leaf with text and adiastematic neumes from a breviary containing part of the office and procession for Palm Sunday. A close study situates its production to Southern Germany in the twelfth century.</p>Maristella Feustle
Copyright (c) 2024 Maristella Feustle
2024-12-202024-12-20783–9283–9210.24446/ruw6Recycling or Rubbishing Ockham’s Sentences?
<p>Two bifolia from a quire of the <em>Prologus</em> to the <em>Sentences</em> of William of Ockham were used as a pastedown and flyleaf in Besançon, Bibliothèque municipale d’étude et de conservation, 198, a manuscript of the <em>Sentences</em> questions of James of Eltville copied in Paris at the College of St. Bernard around 1399. The open question is why one of Ockham’s most captivating philosophical texts was reduced to its materiality and merely employed to bind a later text of the same genre.</p>Monica Brînzei
Copyright (c) 2024 Monica Brînzei
2024-12-202024-12-20793–11293–11210.24446/1g99A Fragmentary Witness of William of Ockham’s Brevis Summa Libri Physicorum
<p>The binding of an incunable edition printed in Leuven and formerly owned by the Franciscan convent in Cologne preserves one bifolium and the offset of another from a copy of William of Ockham’s <em>Brevis summa libri Physicorum</em>. This note describes the physical remains, and attempts to reconstruct the parent manuscript’s appearance and the place of its text in the textual tradition of the commentary.</p>Pieter Beullens
Copyright (c) 2024 Pieter Beullens
2024-12-202024-12-207113–121113–12110.24446/o49kTraces of Liturgy
<p>This paper analyzes two manuscript fragments with musical notation retrieved from the fifteenth- or sixteenth-century binding<br />of the twelfth-century <em>Riesencodex</em> (Wiesbaden, Hochschul- und Landesbibliothek RheinMain, Hs. 2), the most substantial collection of the works of Hildegard of Bingen (1098–1179). We determine through close attention to various aspects of the leaves—liturgy, notation, later additions—that both these fragments originated, and remained, close to Hildegard’s Rupertsberg convent and date from during or just after Hildegard’s lifetime. This analysis not only adds to our understanding of local liturgical context for the nuns at Rupertsberg, it also reveals that Rupertsberg was operating within a broad monastic network well beyond Hildegard’s lifetime. The two fragments, from an antiphoner and a gradual, contextualize the survival of Hildegard’s own musical work in light of the apparent disposability of these contemporary liturgical items.</p>Jennifer BainAnna de Bakker
Copyright (c) 2024 Jennifer Bain, Anna de Bakker
2024-12-202024-12-2079–519–5110.24446/x6vqIter Helveticum Numericum
<p>This article describes manuscript fragments of seven different texts preserved in the bindings of early printed volumes. All fragments were studied from digital images available on e-rara, the platform for digitized rare books from Swiss institutions ( This first exploration reveals the how the increasing number of digital online images of medieval manuscripts and early printed books presents an opportunity for the identification and study of the fragments in their bindings. Such fragments offer vast opportunities for a better understanding of the transmission and reception of the texts that they contain.</p>Pieter Beullens
Copyright (c) 2024 Pieter Beullens
2024-12-202024-12-20753–8153–8110.24446/kou8Medieval Fragments Revealed with FragmEndoscopy
<p>A wealth of historical heritage is hidden in early modern book bindings, as pieces of parchment from medieval manuscripts were often reused to reinforce the binding mechanism. There is one problem, however: this important material is inaccessible without damaging the early modern book or using time-consuming and expensive scanning techniques. This project experiments with an innovative, fast and affordable solution to this problem. It exploits the natural mechanics of the early modern book through a technology also used by doctors, plumbers and car mechanics: endoscopy. Hidden information can then be revealed without damaging the book.</p>Thijs PorckIris van Kuijk
Copyright (c) 2024 Thijs Porck, Iris van Kuijk
2024-12-202024-12-207123–134123–13410.24446/h9htChallenges in the Description of in situ Fragments
<p>Since 2021, the team of the Ticinensia disiecta project has entered into the <em>Fragmentarium</em> platform more than 110 descriptions of in situ fragments. The fieldwork, carried out in part in a pioneering manner, has led to some reflections that we would like to share with the community of editors and projects working on the database, as well as with fragment researchers more broadly, in the hope of provoking a fruitful exchange of experiences. Specifically, working with in situ fragments has revealed challenges related to using the <em>Fragmentarium</em> description module for describing host volumes, assigning shelfmarks to fragments still present in a carrier, and documenting that carrier with photographs. In each of these areas, however, we envision some possible solutions.</p>Marina Bernasconi ReusserRenzo IacobucciLaura Luraschi
Copyright (c) 2024 Marina Bernasconi Reusser, Renzo Iacobucci, Laura Luraschi
2024-12-202024-12-207135–141135–14110.24446/qsx9Fragmentology 7
<p>Editorial for Fragmentology 7</p>William Duba
Copyright (c) 2024 William Duba
2024-12-202024-12-2071–71–710.24446/28ciIndex of Shelfmarks
<p>An index of all shelfmarks and accession numbers cited in reference to manuscript or early print material in Fragmentology 7 (2024).</p>William Duba
Copyright (c) 2024 William Duba
2024-12-202024-12-207157–165157–16510.24446/dkj4Fragmenta liturgica
<p>Report on the conference <em>Fragmenta liturgica</em> held in Paris on 6–7 November 2024.</p>Eleonora Celora
Copyright (c) 2024 Eleonora Celora
2024-12-202024-12-207149–155149–15510.24446/04w6Giuseppe De Gregorio, Marta Luigina Mangini, Maddalena Modesti, eds., Documenti scartati, documenti reimpiegati. Forme, linguaggi, metodi per nuove prospettive di ricerca
<p>Book Review of Giuseppe De Gregorio, Marta Luigina Mangini, Maddalena Modesti, eds., <em>Documenti scartati, documenti reimpiegati. Forme, linguaggi, metodi per nuove prospettive di ricerca</em> (Notariorum Itinera. Varia 7), Genoa 2023, ISBN 978-88-97099-84-0 <a><img class="citavipicker" style="border: 0px none!important; width: 16px!important; height: 16px!important; margin-left: 1px !important; margin-right: 1px !important;" title="Titel anhand dieser ISBN in Citavi-Projekt übernehmen" src="" /></a> (print), 978-88-97099-85-7 <a><img class="citavipicker" style="border: 0px none!important; width: 16px!important; height: 16px!important; margin-left: 1px !important; margin-right: 1px !important;" title="Titel anhand dieser ISBN in Citavi-Projekt übernehmen" src="" /></a> (digital), Open Access.</p>William Duba
Copyright (c) 2024 William Duba